Simplify One Thing

Helping coaches simplify tech to launch profitable online programs.

Simplify One Thing

Helping coaches simplify tech to launch profitable online programs.

"Simplify what you do, so it’s doable!"

~ Timmie Mirza


One stop shop for all your tech needs.


One Tech Coach Software

Best for coaches who are in need of an all-in-one software to capture leads, host programs, build sales funnels, schedule social media content and keep all conversations in one place with unlimited live tech support.

Best for coaches who are in need of an all-in-one software to capture leads, host programs, build sales funnels, schedule social media content and keep all conversations in one place with unlimited live tech support.

Coaching & Masterminds

Dream Believe Launch Mastermind

Best for coaches who are ready to launch a paid program in the next 3 months and build & launch a magnetic offer without getting overwhelmed by technology.

Virtual Assistant Services

Certified Virtual Assistant

Best for coaches who want to stay in their zone of genius and delegate all the tech responsibilities to a dedicated trained virtual assistant at an affordable price.

"We are not just in the business of creating tech solutions, we are in the business of changing hearts."

~ Timmie Mirza

About Me

Hello! I'm Timmie Mirza, the Founder & CEO of Simplify One Thing.

Just like you, I am a multi-passionate individual who once struggled to find that optimal business idea — one that creates a massive positive impact in the world while also being profitable.

While building tech solutions in corporate America, I knew I was meant for more. But I kept dismissing my desires, afraid of leaving a stable job I loved that paid well.

The courageous question I had to ask myself was, "Can I say yes to MY dreams?"

A little voice in my head whispered, "If not now, then when?"

I realized there would never be a perfect time to pursue my dreams. I just had to step up and say YES to me.

The rest is history!

I launched my Tech Coaching & Consulting practice in December 2021 and tripled my income in the first year.

Everything started to fall into place when I shifted my mindset to becoming more expansive and intentional:

- Instead of shrinking, I asked empowering questions.

- Instead of hiding, I invested in my professional growth to show up more confidently

- Instead of saying no, I wholeheartedly said yes to every dream my heart desired.

Now, I want the same for all my clients!

"Nothing is impossible, the word itself says,

'I’m Possible!'"

~ Audrey Hepburn

As an Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP), one of my greatest strengths is helping you clarify your vision and convert it into an actionable plan.

We'll start with your WHY, clarify your WHAT, and learn the HOW for your first launch so you can show up confidently and create the massive positive impact you are born to make.

In addition to my tech expertise, I am also a Certified Public Accountant (CPA). This unique combination enables me to focus on the business profitability where other coaches might miss that crucial aspect.

While I live and breathe tech all day long, what truly energizes me is the transformations in people—who we become while working together.

As a Certified High Performance Coach, I focus on helping coaches like you achieve a balance between their business aspirations and personal commitments.

This way, you can build a sustainable business that scales with you over time without burning out. I believe in incremental progress, where success becomes inevitable with every iteration.


Ready to launch your coaching program and make your dreams a reality?

Let's simplify your tech together and make it happen.

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"You are a BLESSING and the world needs you NOW!"

~ Timmie Mirza

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